


  • Zuozhuan and Early Chinese Historiography, ed. Yuri Pines, Martin Kern, and Nino Luraghi. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
  • Qu Yuan and the Chuci: New Approaches, ed. Martin Kern and Stephen Owen. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
  • Biaoyan yu chanshi: Zaoqi Zhongguo shixue yanjiu 表演與闡釋:早期中國詩學研究 [Performance and Interpretation: Studies in Early Chinese Poetics]. Beijing: Sanlian Publishers, 2023.


  • Confucius and the Analects Revisited: New Perspectives on Dating, Composition, and Authorship, ed. Michael Hunter and Martin Kern. Leiden: Brill, 2018.


  • Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy: Studies in the Composition and Thought of the Shangshu (Classic of Documents), ed. Martin Kern and Dirk Meyer. Leiden: Brill, 2017.


  • Shiji xue yu shijie hanxue lunji xubian 史記學與世界漢學論集續編 [Essays in Shiji Studies and World Sinology, Second Series], ed. Martin Kern and Lee Chi-hsiang 李紀祥. Taipei: Tangshan chubanshe/Tonsan Publications, 2016.


  • Qin Shihuang shike: zaoqi Zhongguo de wenben yu yishi 秦始皇石刻:早期中國帝國表現中的文本與儀式 [Chinese translation of The Stele Inscriptions of Ch’in Shih-huang: Text and Ritual in Early Chinese Political Representation]. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2015.
  • Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China, ed. Yuri Pines, Paul Rakita Goldin, and Martin Kern. Leiden: Brill, 2015.


  • Statecraft and Classical Learning: The Rituals of Zhou in East Asian History, ed. Benjamin A. Elman and Martin Kern. Leiden: Brill, 2009.


  • Text and Ritual in Early China, ed. Martin Kern. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2005. Paperback edition 2008.


  • The Stele Inscriptions of Ch’in Shih-huang: Text and Ritual in Early Chinese Imperial Representation. New Haven: American Oriental Society, 2000.


  • Die Hymnen der chinesischen Staatsopfer: Literatur und Ritual in der politischen Repräsentation von der Han-Zeit bis zu den Sechs Dynastien [The Hymns of the Chinese State Sacrifices: Literature and Ritual in Political Representation from Han Times to the Six Dynasties]. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1997.


  • Zum Topos „Zimtbaum“ in der chinesischen Literatur: Rhetorische Funktion und poetischer Eigenwert des Naturbildes kuei [The Topos of the “Cinnamon Tree” in Chinese Literature: Rhetorical Function and Poetic Value of the Nature Image gui]. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner, 1994.

In Preparation

  • The Classic of Poetry in Ancient Manuscripts. In preparation.
  • Wenben yu wenhua jiyi: Zaoqi Zhongguo de shuxie, yishi he shige yanjiu 文本與文化記憶:早期中國的書寫、儀式和詩歌研究 [Text and Cultural Memory: Studies in Early Chinese Writing, Ritual, and Poetry]. Beijing: Sanlian Publishers. In preparation.
  • Philological Practices: A Comparative Historical Lexicon, ed. Anne Eusterschulte, Martin Kern, and Glenn Most. Princeton: Princeton University Press. In preparation.
  • Performance, Memory, and Authorship in Ancient China: The Formation of the Poetic Tradition. Princeton: Princeton University Press. In preparation.

Articles and Book Chapters


  • Chapter contribution to Dialogues across Boundaries, ed. Kung Peng-cheng. New York: Oxford University Press, forthcoming.
  • “The taishi gong Speaks.” In Lives and Power. Biographical Writings in Sima Qian’s Records and Beyond, in China and in Rome, ed. Béatrice L’Haridon and Grégoire Espesset. Paris: Hémisphères éditions, forthcoming 2025.
  • “Co-authorship Without Authors? Some Perspectives from Early China.” In Festschrift for Glenn W. Most on “co-authorship.” Leiden: Brill, forthcoming 2024.
  • “New Manuscripts, New Troubles, New Chances: The Classic of Poetry in the Warring States.” JAOS, forthcoming 2024.


  • “Poetry Quotation, Commentary, and the Ritual Order: Staging the Noble Man in Zuozhuan.” In Zuozhuan and Early Chinese Historiography, ed. Yuri Pines, Martin Kern, and Nino Luraghi, pp. 153–208. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
  • “Introduction: Zuozhuan and the Beginnings of Chinese Historiography,” with Yuri Pines and Nino Luraghi. In Zuozhuan and Early Chinese Historiography, ed. Yuri Pines, Martin Kern, and Nino Luraghi, pp. 1–20. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
  • “Yin shi, pinglun yu lizhi zhixu: Zuozhuan zhong junzi de chuchang” 引詩,評論與禮制秩序--《左傳》中君子的出場 [Poetry Quotation, Commentary, and the Ritual Order: Staging he Noble Man in Zuozhuan]. Zhongwai luntan 中外論壇 [Sino-Foreign Forum] 2023.2: 81–128.
  • “Reconstructing Qu Yuan.” In Qu Yuan and the Chuci: New Approaches, ed. Martin Kern and Stephen Owen, pp. 16–97. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
  • “Introduction,” with Stephen Owen. In Qu Yuan and the Chuci: New Approaches, ed. Martin Kern and Stephen Owen, pp. 1–15. Leiden: Brill, 2023.
  • Shiji zhong de ‘zhuzi’” 《史記》中的“諸子” [The “Masters” in the Shiji] (rev. translation). Zhongguo shehui kexueyuan daxue xuebao 中國社會科學院大學學報 [University Journal of the Chinese Academy of Social Sciences] 2023.1: 87–106.
  • “The Shijing (Classic of Poetry; Book of Odes).” In Oxford Bibliographies in Chinese Studies, ed. Tim Wright. New York: Oxford University Press, 2023. (…).


  • “Wenhua jiyi yu zaoqi Zhongguo wenming duitan” 文化記憶與早起中國文明對談 [A Dialog about Cultural Memory and Early Chinese Civilization], with Zhang Yue 張月. Hanji yu Hanxue 漢籍與漢學 [Chinese Bibliography and Sinology] 2022.2: 163–176.
  • “Wenhua jiyi yu zaoqi Zhongguo wenxue de shishi—yi Qu Yuan he Lisao weili” 文化記憶與早期中國文學的史詩—以屈原和《離騷》為例 [Cultural Memory and the Epic in Early Chinese Literature: The Case of Qu Yuan and the Lisao]. Wenshizhe 文史哲 [Literature, History, and Philosophy] 2022.4: 57-76.
  • “Cultural Memory and the Epic in Early Chinese Literature: The Case of Qu Yuan 屈原 and the Lisao 離騷.” Journal of Chinese Literature and Culture 9.1 (2022): 131-169.
  • “Qu Yuan and the Lisao: The Poem and Its Author as a Composite Text.” Podcast series “How to Read Chinese Poetry” in three parts, Lingnan University, Hong Kong, and University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, April-May 2022 (…;…;…).


  • “Zaoqi Zhongguo yanjiu yu bijiao gudaixue de tiaozhan: Hanxue he bijiao wenxue de duihua” 早期中國與比較古代學的挑戰:漢學和比較文學的對話 [The Challenges of Early China Studies and Comparative Antiquity: A Dialog between Sinology and Comparative Literature], with Guo Xi’an 郭西安. Xueshu yuekan 學術月刊 [Academic Monthly] 53.8 (2021): 149-162.
  • “Chinese.” In How Literatures Begin: A Global History, ed. Joel B. Lande and Denis Feeney, pp. 19-42. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2021.
  • Gelunbiya Zhongguo wenxueshi de bianzhuan fangshi jiqi juxian” 《哥倫比亞中國文學史》的編撰方士及其居限 [The Compilation Method and Limitations of the Columbia History of Chinese Literature], with Robert E. Hegel. Xuexi yu tansuo 學習與探索 [Study and Exploration] 2021.1: 155-166.


  • “Guoxue yu jingdian” 國學與經典 [National Learning and the Classics]. Guoxue xuekan 國學學刊 [Research in the Traditions of Chinese Culture] 2020.4: 9-11.
  • “Beyond Nativism: Reflections on Methodology and Ethics in the Study of Early China.” In At the Shores of the Sky: Asian Studies for Albert Hoffstädt, ed. Paul W. Kroll and Jonathan A. Silk, pp. 83-98. Leiden: Brill, 2020.


  • "Zaoqi Zhongguo wenxian yanjiu fangfa zhi fansi" 早期中國文獻研究方法之反思 [Reflections on Methodology in the Study of Early Chinese Writings]. In Jianbo sixiang wenxian yanjiu: ge'an yu fangfa 簡帛思想文獻研究:個案與方法 [Studies in Philosophical Writings on Bamboo and Silk: Cases and Methods], ed. Liu Xiaogan 劉笑敢, Zheng Jixiong 鄭吉雄, and Liang Tao 梁濤, pp. 121-155. Beijing: Dongfang chubanshe, 2019.
  • “‘Xi shuai’ 蟋蟀 (‘Cricket’) and Its Consequences: Issues in Early Chinese Poetry and Manuscript Studies.” Early China 42 (2019): 39-74. 
  • Shikyō ‘Shisshutsu’ to sono yigi—kodai Chūgoku no shi to tekusuto kenkyū no sho mondai” 『詩經』「蟋蟀」とその意義—古代中國の詩とテクスト研究の諸問題 [Shijing “‘Xi shuai’ and Its Significance: Issues in Early Chinese Poetry and Manuscript Studies]. Tōyō bunka 東洋文化 [Oriental Culture] 99 (2019): 5-50.
  • “Zaoqi Zhongguo shige yu wenben yanjiu zhu wenti: yi ‘Xi shuai’ tanqi” 早期中國詩歌與文本研究諸問題:以《蟋蟀》談起 [Problems in the Study of Early Chinese Poetry and Texts: The Case of "Xi shuai"]. Wenxue pinglun 文學評論 [Literary Review] 2019.4: 133-151.
  • “Cong qingtong mingwen, Shijing ji Shangshu kan Xi Zhou zuxian jisi de yanbian” 從青銅銘文、《詩經》和《尚書》看西周祖先祭祀的演變 [The Evolution of the Ancestral Sacrifice During the Western Zhou as Seen from Bronze Inscriptions, the Shijing, and the Shangshu]. Guoji Hanxue 國際漢學 [International Sinology] 2019.1: 25-52.


  • “Kongzi as Author in the Han.” In The Analects Revisited: New Perspectives on the Dating of a Classic, ed. Michael Hunter and Martin Kern, pp. 268-307. Leiden: Brill, 2018.
  • “Introduction.” With Michael Hunter. In The Analects Revisited: New Perspectives on the Dating of a Classic, ed. Michael Hunter and Martin Kern, pp. 1-16. Leiden: Brill, 2018.
  • “Who Decides the ‘United Nations of Great Books’?—Inspired by Prof. Zhang’s Speech.” In Tensions in World Literature: Between the Local and the Universal, ed. Weigui Fang, pp. 347-353. Palgrave Macmillan, 2018.
  • “Ends and Beginnings of World Literature.” Poetica: Zeitschrift für Sprach- und Literaturwissenschaft 49 (2017-2018): 1-31.
  • “Du Fu's Long Gaze Back: Fate, History, Heroism, Authorship.” In Reading the Signs: Philology, History, Prognostication: Festschrift for Michael Lackner, ed. Iwo Amelung and Joachim Kurtz, pp. 153-173. Munich: Iudicium Verlag, 2018.
  • “The Formation of the Classic of Poetry.” In The Homeric Epics and the Chinese Book of Songs: Foundational Texts Compared, ed. Fritz-Heiner Mutschler, pp. 39-71. Newcastle Upon Tyne: Cambridge Scholars, 2018.


  • “Early Chinese Divination and its Rhetoric.” In Coping with the Future: Theories and Practices of Divination in East Asia, ed. Michael Lackner, pp. 255-288. Leiden: Brill, 2017.
  • “Chaoyue bentuzhuyi: Zaoqi Zhongguo yanjiu de fangfa yu lunli” 超越本土主義:早期中國研究的方法與倫理 [Beyond Nativism: Method and Ethics in the Study of Early China]. Xueshu yuekan 學術月刊 49.12 (2017): 95-104.
  • “Shijie wenxue de zhongjie yu kaiduan” 世界文學的終結與開端 [Ends and Beginnings of World Literature] In Sixiang yu fangfa: difangxing yu pushixing zhijian de shijie wenxue 思想與方法:地方性與普世性之間的世界文學 [Ideas and Methods: World Literature Between the Local and the Universal], ed. Fang Weigui 方維規, pp. 103-126. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2017.
  • “Shei lai jueding ‘Jiezuo lianheguo’?” 誰來決定“傑作聯合國 [Who Decides the ‘United Nations of Great Books’?] In Sixiang yu fangfa: difangxing and pushixing zhijian de shijie wenxue 思想與方法:地方性與普世性之間的世界文學 [Ideas and Methods: World Literature Between the Local and the Universal], ed. Fang Weigui 方維規, pp. 28-32. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2017.
  • Shijing de xingcheng” 詩經的形成 [The Formation of the Classic of Poetry]. In Zhongguo gudian wenxian de yuedu yu lijie: Zhong Mei xuezhe hongmen duihua lunwenji 中國古典文獻的閱讀與理解:中美學者黌門對話論文集 [The Reading and Interpretation of Classical Chinese Writings: Collection of Essays from a Learned Dialogue between Chinese and American Scholars], ed. Fu Gang 傅剛, pp. 18-45. Beijing: Peking University Press, 2017.
  • “The ‘Harangues’ (Shi 誓) in the Shangshu.” In Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy: Studies in the Composition and Thought of the Shangshu (Classic of Documents), ed. Martin Kern and Dirk Meyer, pp. 281-319. Leiden: Brill, 2017.
  • “Introduction.” With Dirk Meyer. In Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy: Studies in the Composition and Thought of the Shangshu (Classic of Documents), ed. Martin Kern and Dirk Meyer, pp. 1-22. Leiden: Brill, 2017.
  • “Language and the Ideology of Kingship in the ‘Canon of Yao’,” revised version. In Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy: Studies in the Composition and Thought of the Shangshu (Classic of Documents), ed. Martin Kern and Dirk Meyer, pp. 23-61. Leiden: Brill, 2017. (Earlier version in Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China, ed. Yuri Pines, Paul Rakita Goldin, and Martin Kern, pp. 118-151. Leiden: Brill, 2015.)


  • “Style and Poetic Diction in the Xunzi.” In Dao Companion to the Philosophy of Xunzi, ed. Eric Hutton, pp. 1-33. Dordrecht: Springer, 2016.
  • Translations and discussions of a series of bronze inscriptions; and co-authorship of the introduction to A Source Book of Ancient Chinese Bronze Inscriptions, ed. Paul R. Goldin and Constance A. Cook, pp. xlix-liv, 181-183, 210-212, 243-248. Berkeley: The Society for the Study of Early China and The Institute of East Asian Studies, University of California at Berkeley, 2016.
  • Shiji li de ‘zuozhe’ gainian” 《史記》裡的‘作者’概念 [The Notion of Authorship in the Shiji]. In Shiji xue yu shijie hanxue lunji xubian 史記學與世界漢學論集續編 [Essays in Shiji Studies and World Sinology, Second Series], ed. Martin Kern and Lee Chi-hsiang 李紀祥, 23-61. Taipei: Tangshan chubanshe/Tonsan Publications, 2016.
  • “Kongzi: Handai zuozhe” 孔子:漢代作者  [Kongzi as Author in the Han]. In Congyou ji: Gongzhu Yuan Xingpei jiaoshou bazhi wenji 從游集:恭祝袁行霈教授八秩文集 [Roaming in Fellowship: Essays in Celebration of Professor Yuan Xingpei’s Eightieth Birthday], 104-133. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2016.


  • “Made by the Empire: Wang Xizhi’s Xingrangtie and its Paradoxes.” Archives of Asian Art 65.1-2 (2015): 117-137.
  • “The ‘Masters’ in the Shiji.” T'oung Pao 101.4-5 (2015): 335-362.
  • “Speaking of Poetry: Pattern and Argument in the ‘Kongzi shilun’.” In Literary Forms of Argument in Early China, ed. Dirk Meyer and Joachim Gentz, pp.175-200. Leiden: Brill, 2015.
  • “Language and the Ideology of Kingship in the ‘Canon of Yao’.” In Ideology of Power and Power of Ideology in Early China, ed. Yuri Pines, Paul Rakita Goldin, and Martin Kern, pp. 118-151. Leiden: Brill, 2015; revised version in Origins of Chinese Political Philosophy: Studies in the Composition and Thought of the Shangshu (Classic of Documents), ed. Martin Kern and Dirk Meyer, pp. 23-61. Leiden: Brill, 2017.


  • “Rentong yu fangfa: shenme shi guoji Hanxue?” 認同與方法:什麼是國際漢學 [Identity and Method: What is International Sinology?]. Guoji Hanxue yanjiu tongxun 國際漢學研究通訊 [Newsletter on Research in International Sinology] 10 (2014): 252-262. Japanese translation as “Aidentiti to hōhō: Kokusai kangaku to wa nanika?” アイデンティティと方法:国際漢学とは何か, Tōhoku daigaku Chūgoku gogaku bungaku ronshū 東北大学中国語学文学論集 19 [Tohoku Journal of Chinese Language and Literature] (2014): 93-103.
  • Shangshu li de ‘Shi’”《尚書》裡的“誓” [The “Harangues” in the Classic of Documents]. Wenbei 文貝 (Cowrie: Comparative Literature and Culture) 2014.2: 95-125. 
  • “Creating a Book and Performing It: The ‘Yaolüe’ Chapter of Huainanzi as a Western Han Fu.” In The Huainanzi and Textual Production in Early China, ed. Sarah A. Queen and Michael Puett, pp. 124-150. Leiden: Brill, 2014. 
  • “‘Yaodian’: Ciling yu wangdao de yishi xingtai” 〈堯典〉:辭令與王道的意識形態 [The “Canon of Yao”: Language and the Ideology of Kingship]. In Hanxue dianfan dazhuanyi: Du Xide yu “Jinxuan hui” 漢學典範大轉移:杜希德與⸢金萱會⸥, ed. Chen Jue 陳珏, pp. 57-90. Taibei: Lianjing chubanshe, 2014.



  • Xunzi de shixing fengge” 《荀子》的詩性風格 [The Poetic Style of the Xunzi]. Handan xueyuan xuebao 邯鄲學院學報 [Journal of Handan College] 2.4 (2012): 107-119.
  • Chuci.” In The Princeton Encyclopedia of Poetry and Poetics, Fourth Edition, pp. 246-247. Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2012.
  • “Fangfalun fansi: Zaoqi Zhongguo wenben yiwen zhi fenxi he xieben wenxian zhi chansheng moshi” 方法論反思:早期中國文本異文之分析和寫本文獻之產生模式 [Methodological Reflections on the Analysis of Textual Variants and the Modes of Manuscript Production in Early China], in Dangdai xifang hanxue yanjiu jicui: Shanggushi juan 當代西方漢學研究集萃:上古史卷 [Selected Works in Contemporary Western Sinological Research: Ancient History], ed. Chen Zhi 陳致,  pp. 349-385. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2012.
  • “Shuo ‘Shi’: ‘Kongzi shilun’ zhi wenli yu yili” 說《詩》:《孔子詩論》之文理與義理 [Speaking of Poetry: Pattern and Argument in the Kongzi shilun]. Wenxue yichan [Literary Heritage] 2012.3: 17-25.


  • “Zaoqi Zhongguo shouchao wenxian yanjiu fangfa zhi fansi” 早期中國手抄文獻研究方法之反思 [Some Reflections on the Methodology of Studying Early Chinese Manuscripts]. Guoxue xuekan 國學學刊 2011.4: 25-38.


  • “Xueshu lingyu de jieding: Bei-Mei Zhongguo zaoqi wenxue (Xian-Qin Liang-Han) yanjiu gaikuang” 學術領域的界定: 北美中國早期文學(先前兩漢)研究概況 [State of the field: Research Survey of North American Scholarship on Early Chinese Literature (pre-Qin and Han)]. In Beimei Zhongguo xue: yanjiu gaishu yu wenxian ziyuan 北美中國學:研究概述與文獻資源 [Chinese Studies in North America: Research and Resources], ed. Zhang Haihui 張海惠 et al., pp. 570-600. Beijing: Zhonghua shuju, 2010.
  • Huainanzi de chengshu yu zoushu: Lun ‘Yao lüe’ pian zhi wei fu”《淮南子》的成書與奏書:論《要略》篇之為賦 [The Compilation and Presentation of the Huainanzi: The “Yaolüe” Chapter of Huainanzi as a Fu]. In Beijing daxue Zhongguo guwenxian yanjiu zhongxin jikan 北京大學中國古文獻研究中心集刊 [Journal of the Center for Ancient Chinese Classics and Archives, Peking University] 9 (2010): 436-451.
  • “Lost in Tradition: The Classic of Poetry We Did Not Know.” Hsiang Lectures on Chinese Poetry 5 (2010): 29-56. Centre for East Asian Research, McGill University.
  • “Tropes of Music and Poetry: From Wudi (141-87 BCE) to 100 CE.” In China’s Early Empires: A Re-Appraisal, ed. Michael Loewe and Michael Nylan, pp. 480-491. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.
  • Mao shi zhi hou: Zhonggu zaoqi Shijing jieshou yanjiu” 毛詩之後:中古早期《詩經》接受研究 [After the Mao Odes: A Study in the Reception of the Shijing in the early medieval period]. In Kua xueke shiye xia de Shijing yanjiu 跨學科視野下的詩經研究 [Cross-disciplinary Research on the Classic of Poetry], ed. Chen Zhi 陳致, pp. 236-250. Shanghai: Shanghai guji chubanshe, 2010.
  • “Early Chinese Literature, Beginnings through Western Han.” In Cambridge History of Chinese Literature, ed. Stephen Owen and Kang-i Sun Chang, pp. 1-115. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2010.


  • “Offices of Writing and Reading in the Rituals of Zhou.” In Statecraft and Classical Learning: The Rituals of Zhou in East Asian History, ed. Benjamin A. Elman and Martin Kern, pp. 65-93. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
  • “Introduction.” With Benjamin A. Elman. In Statecraft and Classical Learning: The Rituals of Zhou in East Asian History, ed. Benjamin A. Elman and Martin Kern, pp. 1-29. Leiden: Brill, 2009.
  • “Xi-Han meixue yu futi de qiyuan” 西漢美學與賦體的起源 [Western Han Aesthetics and the Genesis of the Genre of the Fu]. Zhuobi chenghui: Fudan wenshi jiangtan 着壁成繪: 復旦文史講堂 2 (2009): 1-18.
  • “Bronze inscriptions, the Shangshu, and the Shijing: The Evolution of the Ancestral Sacrifice during the Western Zhou.” In Early Chinese Religion, Part One: Shang Through Han (1250 BC to 220 AD), ed. John Lagerwey and Marc Kalinowski, pp. 143-200. Leiden: Brill, 2009.


  • “Yinju yu Zhongguo gudai xieben wenxian zhong de rujia jingdian: ‘Ziyi’ yanjiu” 引據與中國古代寫本文獻中的儒家經典《緇衣》研究 [Quotation and the Confucian Canon in Early Chinese Manuscripts: A Study of the “Zi yi”]. Jianbo yanjiu 簡帛研究 [Research in Bamboo and Silk Manuscripts] 2005 [published 2008]: 7-29.
  • “Announcements from the Mountains: The Stele Inscriptions of the Qin First Emperor.” In Conceiving the Empire: China and Rome Compared, ed. Fritz-Heiner Mutschler and Achim Mittag, pp. 217-240. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008.
  • “Cong chutu wenxian tan ‘Guofeng’ de quanshi wenti: yi ‘Guanju’ wei li” 從出土文獻談《國風》的詮釋問題:以《關雎》為例 [Hermeneutic Issues Regarding the “Airs of the States” as Seen from Excavated Manuscripts: The Case of “Guanju”]. Zhonghua wenshi luncong 中華文史論叢 [Journal of Chinese Literature and History] 2008.1: 253-271.
  • “Cult of the State.” In Brill’s Encyclopedia of China, ed. Daniel Leese, pp. 942-944. Leiden: Brill, 2008. [Translation of the entry “Staatskult” in Das Grosse China-Lexikon, ed. Brunhild Staiger, Stefan Friedrich, and Hans-Wilm Schütte, pp. 714-715. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 2003.]


  • “Beyond the Mao Odes: Shijing Reception in Early Medieval China.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 127 (2007): 131-142.
  • “Imperial Tours and Mountain Inscriptions.” In The First Emperor: China’s Terracotta Army, ed. Jane Portal., pp. 104-113. London: British Museum Press, 2007.
  • “The Performance of Writing in Western Zhou China.” In The Poetics of Grammar and the Metaphysics of Sound and Sign, ed. Sergio La Porta and David Shulman, pp. 109-176. Leiden: Brill, 2007.
  • “Excavated Manuscripts and Their Socratic Pleasures: Newly Discovered Challenges in Reading the ‘Airs of the States’.” Études Asiatiques/Asiatische Studien 61.3 (2007): 775-793.
  • “Han shi zhi shi: Shiji, Hanshu xushi zhong de shige hanyi” 漢史之詩:《史記》、《漢書》敘事中的詩歌含義 [The Poetry of Han Historiography: The Use of Song in Shiji and Hanshu]. Zhongguo dianji yu wenhua 中國典籍與文化 [Chinese Classics and Culture] 2007.3: 4-12.


  • “Yinju yu Zhongguo gudai xieben wenxian zhong de rujia jingdian: ‘Ziyi’ yanjiu” 引據與中國古代寫本文獻中的儒家經典:《緇衣》研究 [Quotation and the Confucian Canon in Early Chinese Manuscripts: A Study of the “Zi yi”]. Guoji jianbo yanjiu tongxun 國際簡帛研究通訊 / International Research on Bamboo and Silk Documents: Newsletter 5.2 (2005): 76-95.
  • “Zuowei jiyi de shi: Shi ji qi zaoqi quanshi” 作為記憶的詩:《詩》及其早期詮釋 [Poetry as Memory: The Odes and Their Early Hermeneutics]. Guoxue yanjiu 國學研究 [Studies in Sinology] 16 (2005): 329-341.
  • “The Ritual Texture of Early China.” Introduction to Text and Ritual in Early China, ed. Martin Kern, pp. vii-xxvii. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2005.
  • “The Odes in Excavated Manuscripts.” In Text and Ritual in Early China, ed. Martin Kern, pp. 149-193. Seattle: University of Washington Press, 2005.
  • “Quotation and the Confucian Canon in Early Chinese Manuscripts: The Case of ‘Zi Yi’ (Black Robes).” Asiatische Studien / Études Asiatiques 59.1 (2005): 293-332.
  • “Deguo Hanxuejia zai 1933-1945 nian de qianyi: chongti yiduan bei ren yiwang de lishi” 德國漢學家在1933-1945年的遷移 : 重提一段被人遺忘的歷史 [The Emigration of German Sinologists 1933-1945: Revisiting a Forgotten History]. Chinese Translation of the 1998 journal article “The Emigration of German Sinologists 1933-1945: Notes on the History and Historiography of Chinese Studies.” Shijie Hanxue世界漢學 [World Sinology] 3 (2005): 15-37.
  • ———. Reprinted in Deguo hanxue: lishi, fazhan, renwu yu shijiao 德國漢學 : 歷史、發展、人物與視角之研究 [German Sinology: History, Development, People, and Perspectives], ed. Helmut Martin, Christiane Hammer, Zhang Xiping, and Li Xuetao, pp. 217-258. Zhengzhou: Daxiang chubanshe, 2005.
  • “Poetry and Religion: The Representation of ‘Truth’ in Early Chinese Historiography.” In Historical Truth, Historical Criticism, and Ideology: Chinese Historiography and Historical Culture from a New Comparative Perspective, ed. Helwig Schmidt-Glintzer, Achim Mittag, and Jörn Rüsen, pp. 53-78. Leiden: Brill, 2005.


  • “The Poetry of Han Historiography.” Early Medieval China (Festschrift for David R. Knechtges) 10-11.1 (2004): 23-65.
  • “Staatskult: China [State Cult: China].” In Religion in Geschichte und Gegenwart [Religion Past and Present], ed. Hans Dieter Betz et al., vol. 7, columns 1652-1653. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 2004. English translation in Religion Past and Present. Leiden: Brill, forthcoming.
  • “A History of Chinese Literature?” With Robert E. Hegel. Review Article on The Columbia History of Chinese Literature, ed. Victor Mair. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 26 (2004), 159-179. Chinese translation in Zhonghua wenshi luncong 中華文史論叢 [Journal of Chinese Literature and History], forthcoming.
  • “Die Anfänge der chinesischen Literatur [The Beginnings of Chinese Literature].” In Chinesische Literaturgeschichte [History of Chinese Literature], ed. Reinhard Emmerich, pp. 1-87. Stuttgart: Metzler, 2004.
  • Contributions to Lexikon der chinesischen Literatur [Dictionary of Chinese Literature], ed. Volker Klöpsch and Eva Müller. Entries: “Anthologien [Anthologies],” “Bao Zhao,” “Cao Cao,” “Cao Zhi,” “Chen Zi’ang,” “Du Mu,” “Enzykloplädien [Encyclopedias],” “Ge Hong,” “Geschichtsschreibung [Historiography],” “Gu shi shijiu shou,” “Guo Pu,” “Guwenci leizuan,” “Jia Dao,” “Jiang Yan,” “Li He,” “Literaturtheorie und -kritik [Literary Theory and Criticism],” “Liu Che (Han Wudi),” “Liu Xiang,” “Liu Xie,” “Liu Zongyuan,” “Lu Ji,” “Mei Cheng,” “Meng Jiao,” “Musikamtslieder [Music Bureau Songs],” “Naturlyrik [Nature Poetry],” “Reimprosa [Rhyme-prose],” “Shen Yue,” “Wang Bao,” “Wang Can,” “Wenxuan,” “Xi Kang,” “Xie Lingyun,” “Xie Tiao,” “Yan Yanzhi,” “Yan Zhitui,” “Yang Xiong,” “Yu Xin,” “Yutai xinyong,” “Zhang Heng,” “Zuo Si.” Munich: C.H. Beck, 2004.
  •  “Yinju yu Zhongguo gudai xieben wenxian zhong de rujia jingdian” 引據與中國古代寫本文獻中的儒家經典 [Quotation and the Confucian Canon in Early Chinese Manuscripts] (Abstract). Guoji jianbo yanjiu tongxun 國際簡帛研究通訊 / International Research on Bamboo and Silk Documents: Newsletter 4.2 (2004), 6-7.
  • “Quotation in Early Chinese Manuscripts (Abstract).” Guoji jianbo yanjiu tongxun 國際簡帛研究通訊 / International Research on Bamboo and Silk Documents: Newsletter 4.1 (2004): 7-8.
  • “Chutu wenxian yu wenhua jiyi: Shijing zaoqi lishi yanjiu” 出土文獻與文化記憶:詩經早期歷史研究[Excavated Manuscripts and Cultural Memory: A Study in the Early History of the Canon of Poetry]. Zhongguo zhexue 中國哲學 [Chinese Philosophy] 25 (2004): 111-158.


  • “The ‘Biography of Sima Xiangru’ and the Question of the Fu in Sima Qian’s Shiji.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 123.2 (2003): 303-316.
  • “Western Han Aesthetics and the Genesis of the Fu.” Harvard Journal of Asiatic Studies 63.2 (2003): 383-437.
  • “Li, wenben he jingdian de xingcheng: zaoqi Zhongguo ‘wen’ de lishi yanbian ” 禮、文本和經典的形成: 早期中國「文」的歷史演變 [Ritual, Text, and the Formation of the Canon: Historical Transformations of ‘wen’ in Early China]. Unauthorized translation of the 2001 T’oung Pao publication. Zhongguo bijiao wenxue tongxun / Chinese Comparative Literature Bulletin (Peking University) 50 (2002): 29-40; 51 (2003): 12-24; 52 (2003): 8-20.
  • Ten contributions to The Encyclopedia of Confucianism, ed. Xinzhong Yao. Entries: “Baihuguan huiyi,” “Fenshu kengru,” “Shiquge huiyi,” “Shisanjing zhushu,” “Shu,” “Wen,” “Wu jing,” “Yantie huiyi,” “Zhu,” “Zhuan”; pp. 22-23, 213-214, 559-560, 563, 655-657, 662, 745-746, 838, 846-47. London: RoutledgeCurzon, 2003.
  • “Staatskult [State Cult].” In Das Grosse China-Lexikon [The Great China Encyclopedia], ed. Brunhild Staiger, Stefan Friedrich, and Hans-Wilm Schütte, pp. 714-715. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 2003.
  • “Early Chinese Poetics in the Light of Recently Excavated Manuscripts.” In Recarving the Dragon: Understanding Chinese Poetics, ed. Olga Lomová, pp. 27-72. Prague: Charles University–The Karolinum Press, 2003.


  • “Methodological Reflections on the Analysis of Textual Variants and the Modes of Manuscript Production in Early China.” Journal of East Asian Archaeology 4.1-4 (2002): 143-181.
  • “Obituary: Gilbert Louis Mattos (1939-2002).” Guoji jianbo yanjiu tongxun 國際簡帛研究通訊 / International Research on Bamboo and Silk Documents: Newsletter 2.6 (2002): 1.


  • “Disengagement by Complicity: The Difficult Art of Early Medieval ‘Hypothetical Discourses’.” Review Article on Writing against the State: Political Rhetorics in Third and Fourth Century China, by Dominik Declercq. Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews 23 (2001): 141-152.
  • “Ritual, Text, and the Formation of the Canon: Historical Transitions of Wen in Early China.” T’oung Pao 87.1-3 (2001): 43-91.


  • Shi jing Songs as Performance Texts: A Case Study of ‘Chu ci’ (‘Thorny Caltrop’).” Early China 25 (2000): 49-111.
  • “Religious Anxiety and Political Interest in Western Han Omen Interpretation: The Case of the Han Wudi Period (141-87 B.C.).” Chûgoku shigaku 中國史學 [Chinese History] 10 (2000): 1-31.
  • “Feature: Writing and Authority in Early China, by Mark Edward Lewis.” China Review International 7.2 (2000): 336-376.
  • “‘Persuasion’ or ‘Treatise’? – The Prose Genres shui and shuo in the Light of the Guwenci leizuan of 1779.” In Ad Seres et Tungusos: Festschrift für Martin Gimm, ed. Lutz Bieg, Erling von Mende, and Martina Siebert, pp. 221-243. Wiesbaden: Harrassowitz, 2000.


  • “A Note on the Authenticity and Ideology of Shih-chi 24, ‘The Book on Music’.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 119.4 (1999): 673-677.
  • “Die Emigration der Sinologen 1933-1945: Zur ungeschriebenen Geschichte der Verluste [The Emigration of Sinologists 1933-1945: Regarding the Unwritten History of Losses].” In Chinawissenschaften–Deutschsprachige Entwicklungen: Geschichte, Personen, Perspektiven, ed. Helmut Martin and Christiane Hammer, pp. 222-242. Hamburg: Institut für Asienkunde, 1999.


  • “The Emigration of German Sinologists 1933-1945: Notes on the History and Historiography of Chinese Studies.” Journal of the American Oriental Society 118.4 (1998): 507-529.


  • “Yao Nais pragmatischer Umbau der literarischen Genretheorie” [Yao Nai’s Pragmatic Reconstruction of Literary Genre Theory].” In Tradition und Moderne: Religion, Philosophie und Literatur in China, ed. Bernhard Führer and Christiane Hammer, pp. 143-163.  Bochum: Project Verlag, 1997.


  • “In Praise of Political Legitimacy: The miao and jiao Hymns of the Western Han.” Oriens Extremus 39.1 (1996): 29-67.